We assist people in who are experiencing barriers to access justice including people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander, people with a disability, and people receiving low incomes who live in Western Sydney.
We offer legal information, referrals, advice, tasks, and in some cases, representation in Family Law, Care and Protection, Minor Crime and Civil Law matters.
The easiest and quickest way for you to contact us is by using our online form to tell us about your legal enquiry: tiny.cc/WSCLCLegalEnquiry
Please call us on (02) 8833 0911.
We have two offices in Western Sydney:
Parramatta: Suite 202, Level 2, 107 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150
Rooty Hill: 76 Rooty Hill Road Nth, Rooty Hill NSW 2766 (the Rooty Hill office is closed on Fridays).
Funded by the Community Legal Centres Program administered by Legal Aid NSW.